Nassf Travel, a sustainable tourism operator is participating as an exhibitor at the ITB fair, Berlin in Germany from March 7 to 9, supported by PromPerú. ITB Berlin is the leading trade fair for the global tourism industry.
Nassf Travel, creates eco-friendly trips with purposes; through experiential experiences and fair trade. They have a hybrid business model that combines productive and philanthropic activities in a single innovative strategy with a social and eco-friendly approach, ensuring that the main beneficiary is the local population and their community, along with the tourist and their life experiences while safeguarding the environment. 10% of sales are invested in socio-environmental projects in indigenous and peasant communities run by their ONG Red Ecovoluntariado Nassf Latinoamérica.They commit to reinvesting at least 50% in their social mission. They have been developing the Eco-friendly Good Practices project and social entrepreneurship in indigenous and peasant communities that is applicable in Latin America. This project is currently being developed in 6 communities in Peru and in 1 community in Ecuador. As well as the rescue of ancestral skills and talents through eco-friendly ventures to generate joint trade and employment opportunities.
Nassf Travel in conjunction with its NGO Red Ecovoluntariado Nassf Latin America, its purpose is to expand with its project to improve common well-being and quality of life in communities in Latin America. We invite you to join the actions with purpose in favor of nature and community development and visit the Peru stand.